What is 5G?5G was turned on in the beginning of this year and the frequency was turned up to 3500MHz (or 3.5GHz) in Nanaimo in June. Nanaimo was the first city in the entire country to act as the testing ground for this increased frequency. So what is 5G? 5G is the next generation of radio technology that is currently being unrolled in Canada and other countries. But why spend all this money to roll out 5G infrastructure? How is 5G supposedly better than its predecessor? To put it simply, 5G uses a higher frequency, shorter wavelength of non-ionizing radiation than 4G does and the higher the frequency, the greater the speed and bandwidth. While the level of its frequency has been limited during its roll out, it has the potential to be increased to several tens of GHz to further increase bandwidth and speed. But what cost does faster download speeds come with? Does it effect our health? |
Nanaimo is a 3500 MHz Test CityNanaimo was the test city for the whole of Canada to increase the 5G frequency to 3500 MHz (3.5 GHz) in June of 2022? |
5G and HealthHave you been experiencing any unusual health symptoms since the beginning of this year? Or especially since June of this year? Hair falling out, lightheaded, foggy brain, headaches, sleep issues? These are some of the many symptoms of radiation sickness. To first understand the relationship between 5G and health, we need to understand the origins of this technology; it is not a new technology. Like most technology that is later released for public use, 5G was first developed by the defence industry. A 5G antenna, 100,000 times more powerful than a 4G antenna, uses a focused wave of non-ionizing radiation. The general claim that is used to dismiss health-related concerns about 5G states that since the radiation is non-ionizing, it is safe. However, how can a radiation which is used by lasers to cut stainless steel not have any effect the human body? Below is a video of UK weapons expert Mark Steele explaining this the UK committee: |
Mark Steele is not alone. Many scientists, doctors and politicians have warned about the risks of 5G
Intentional Appeal Presented at WHORead the international appeal signed by 237 EMF specialists in 41 countries as well as doctors, engineers, and multiple other factions of specialists. |
Physician Outlines Health Risks of 5G in Court
Companies Warning Their Stockholders
Companies have warned their stockholders of the health risks of 5G.
A Call from Doctors and Scientists from 42 Countries
Doctors and scientists from 42 countries are calling for delaying deployment of 5G due to Health Risks.
US Senator Richard Blumenthal
US Senator Richard Blumenthal calls out lack of studies on 5G proving the technology is safe and has no health risks.
Short Film on 5G
A detailed breakdown on 5G technology history and it’s effect on health.
Do I Have 5G In My Area?
Coverage Map of Rogers 5G Network in Canada
rogers 5g network Coverage Map
Coverage Map of 4G/5G Telus Networks in Canada
Act Now
Following the testimony of countless doctors and scientists across the world, we need to ensure the health and safety of our community. We the people need to make the change and demand that the city halt the roll out of the 5G in Nanaimo, turn the frequencies back to 4G and prove to us through pure scientific research